Below we list selected publications. For a complete list, see Dr. Gould's CV or Google Scholar page.
Names of members of the Ecocultural Values workshop are in bold.
Names of members of the Ecocultural Values workshop are in bold.
Gould, R.K., Saito, T., Allen, K., Bonn, A., Chapman, M., Droz, L., Herrmann, T., Himes, A., Ishihara, Coelho-Junior, M., Fukamachi, K., Kenter, J., Muraca, B., Ortiz-Przychodzka, S., Pearson, J., Rono, B.J., Tadaki, M., Tamura, N. Constraint breeds creativity: A brainstorming method to jumpstart out-of-the-box thinking for sustainability science. Bioscience. [Journal website] [Accepted version PDF]
Raymond, C., Anderson, C., Athayde, S. Vatn, A., Amin, A., Arias Arévalo, P., Christie, M., Cantú-Fernández, M., Gould, R.K., Himes, A., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Muraca, B., Murali, R., O’Connor, S., Pascual, U., Sachdeva, S., Samakov, A., Zent, E. An inclusive values typology for navigating transformations toward a just and sustainable future. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. [Public full text]
Gould, R.K., Moreno Soares, T. , Arias-Arévalo, P., Cantú-Fernandez, M., Baker, D., Eyster, H., Kwon, R., Prox, L., Rode, J., Suarez, A., Vatn., A., Zúñiga-Barragán, J. The role of value(s) in theories of human behavior. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Gonzalez, M.N. Research Note: Using science fiction and design thinking in workshops to share research results with low-income, under-represented community members. Science Communication.
Pascual, U., .... [et. al.] .. Gould, R.K., Nature 620, 813–823. [Open Access PDF] [Paper that summarizes the IPBES Values Assessment]
Pratson, D.F., Adams, N., Gould, R.K., 2023. Relational values of nature in empirical research: A systematic review. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Merrylees, E., Hackenburg, D., Marquina, T., 2023. “My place in the grand scheme of things”: perspective from nature and sustainability science. Sustainability Science. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Martinez, D.E., Hoelting, K.R., 2023. Exploring Indigenous relationality to inform the relational turn in sustainability science. Ecosystems and People 19. [Open Access PDF]
Riechers, M., Betz, L., Gould, R.K., Lam, D.P.M, Lazzari, N., Loch, T., Martín-Lopéz, B., Sala, J.E. 2022. Reviewing relational values for future research: insights from the coast. Ecology & Society. [Open Access PDF]
Manley, K., Hackenburg, D., Marquina, T., Gould, R.K. Gratitude for nature: Abundant appreciation and rare reciprocity in free-response reflections. Ecopsychology. [Post-print/Journal PDF]
Hagan, E., Gould, R.K. 2022. Associations between relational values and empathy. Ecology & Society. [Open Access PDF]
Gallegos-Riofrio, C.A., Zent, E., Gould, R.K. 2022. The importance of Latin American scholarship-and-practice for the relational turn in sustainability science: A reply to West et al. Ecosystems and People. [Response to West et al. 2021, Ecosystems and People] [Open Access PDF]
Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K., Biggar, M., Wojcik, D. 2022. Community Listening Sessions: an approach for facilitating collective reflection on environmental learning and behavior in everyday life. Ecosystems and People. 18:1, 469-477. [Open Access PDF]
Gallegos-Riofrio, C.A., Arab, H., Carrasco-Torrontegui, A., Gould, R.K. 2022. Chronic deficiency of diversity and pluralism in research on nature’s mental health effects: A planetary health problem. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4, 100148. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Murdoch, D., 2022, Gould, R.K. ‘Hey, tree. You are my friend’: Assessing multiple values of nature through letters to trees. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Emery, M., Hurley, P., Gould, R.K. 2022. The “quiet hunt”: The significance of mushroom foraging among Russian-speaking immigrants in New York City. Ecosystems and People. [Open Access PDF]
Hoelle, J., Gould, R.K., Tauro, A. 2022. Expanding relational values research to reflect the diversity of human-nature relationships. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Fisher, B., Hackenburg, D., Gould, R.K. 2022. Lessons from an experiment with values-based messaging to support watershed conservation. Conservation Biology. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Schultz, P.W. 2021. Challenges to understanding psychological dimensions of human-nature connections – and how to address them. Ecology and Society. [Open Access PDF]
Wojcik, D, Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K. 2021. Organizations and opportunities for environmental learning: A network analysis. Environmental Education Research. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K. 2021. How creativity can help research on the multiple values of nature become more innovative and inclusive. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Morse, J.W. , Gladkikh, T.M. , Hackenburg, D.M. , Gould, R.K., 2020. COVID-19 and human-nature relationships: Vermonters’ activities in nature and associated nonmaterial values during the pandemic. PLOS ONE 15: e0243697. [Open Access PDF] [Policy Brief]
Gould, R.K., Bremer, L., Pascua, P., Meza Prado, K. 2020. Frontiers in cultural ecosystem services: Toward greater equity and justice in ecosystem services research and practice. Bioscience. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Vivanco, L., Adams, A. 2020. Looking into the dragons of cultural ecosystem services. Ecosystems and People. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Morse, C.E., Brooks, J., Adams, A. 2020. ‘So Much for Access:’ Difference, Benefits, and Barriers at
Hawaii’s Shorelines. Geographical Review. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Chan K.M.A., Boyd D.R., Gould R.K., Jetzkowitz J, Liu J, Muraca B, Naidoo R, Olmsted P, Satterfield T, Selomane O, Singh G.G., Sumaila R, Ngo H.T., Boedhihartono AK, Agard J, de Aguiar APD, Armenteras D, Balint L, Barrington-Leigh C, Cheung W.W.L., Díaz S, Driscoll J, Esler K, Eyster H, Gregr E.J., Hashimoto S, Hernández Pedraza G.C., Hickler T, Kok M, Lazarova T, Mohamed AAA, Murray-Hudson M, O’Farrell P, Palomo I, Saysel A.K., Seppelt R, Settele J, Strassburg B, Xue D, Brondízio E.S.. 2020. Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability. People and Nature 2: 693–717. [Open Access PDF]
Gould R.K., Ricketts T.H., Howarth R.B., Telle S., Gladkikh, Tatiana M., Posner S., Gourevitch J., Yoshida Y. 2020. How ecosystem services research can advance ecological economics principles. in Costanza R, Erickson JD, Farley J, and Kubiszewski I, eds. Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/book website]
Gould, R.K., Pai, M., Muraca, B., Chan, Kai M.A.. 2019. “He ʻike ʻana Ia i Ka Pono (It Is a Recognizing of the Right Thing): How One Indigenous Worldview Informs Relational Values and Social Values.” Sustainability Science 14 (5): 1213–32. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Morse,J.W., Adams, A.B.. 2019. Cultural Ecosystem Services and Decision-Making: How Researchers Describe the Applications of Their Work. People and Nature 0 (0): 1–19. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Krymkowski, D., Coleman, K, Gibbs-Plessl, T., Zafira, I., Doty, A. 2019. Broader Impacts in Conservation Research. Conservation Science and Practice. 0 (0): e108. [Open Access PDF]
Gladkikh, T., Gould, R.K., Coleman, K. 2019. Cultural ecosystem services and the well-being of refugee communities. Ecosystem Services. 40: 1-12. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K., Lukacs, H., Sponarski, C., Schuh, J. 2019. Scale of place and sense of place among urban dwellers. Ecosphere. 10 (9): e02871. [Open Access PDF]
Kenter, J., Raymond, C., van Riper, C., Azzopardi, E., Brear M.R., Calcagni, F., Christie, I., Christie, M., Fordham, A., Gould, R.K., Ives, C.D. Hejnowicz, A.P., Gunton, R., Horcea-Milcu, A.I., Kendal, D., Kronenberg, J., Massenberg, J., O’Conner, S., Ravenscroft, N., Rawluk, A., Raymond, I.J., Rodríquez-Morales, J., Thankappan, S. 2019. Loving the Mess: Navigating Diversity and Conflict in Social Values for Sustainability. Sustainability Science 14 (5): 1439–61. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N.M., Thomsen, J.M., Wyman Roth, N., 2018. Exploring connections between environmental learning and behavior through four everyday-life case studies. Environmental Education Research 1–27.
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N., Krymkowski, D. 2018. The importance of culture in predicting environmental behavior in middle school students on Hawaiʻi Island. PLOS One. 13(11): e0207087. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Coleman, K., Gluck, S.B., 2018. Exploring dynamism of cultural ecosystem services through a review of environmental education research. Ambio 47, 1–15.
Gould, R.K., Phukan, I, Mendoza, M., Ardoin, N.M., Panikkar, B. 2018. Seizing opportunities to diversify the environmental movement. Conservation Letters. 11 (4): e12431. [Open Access PDF]
Chan, K., Pascual, U., Gould, R.K. 2018. Editorial: What are relational values, and what’s all the fuss about? Current Opinion in Environment and Sustainability. 35: A1-A7. [Open Access PDF]
Britto dos Santos, N., Gould, R.K. 2018. Can relational values be developed and changed? Investigating relational values in the environmental education literature. Current Opinion in Environment and Sustainability. 35: 124-131.
Gould, R.K., Lincoln, N. 2017. Expanding the suite of Cultural Ecosystem Services to include ingenuity, perspective, and life teaching. Ecosystem Services. 25: 117-127. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N.; Biggar, M.; Cravens, A. 2016. Environmental behavior’s dirty secret: The prevalence of waste-related discussions in community discussions of environmental action. Environmental Management.
Chan, K.M.A., Balvanera, P., Benessaiah, K., Chapman, M., Díaz, S., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gould, R.K., Hannahs, N., Jax, K., Klain, S., Luck, G., Martín-López, B., Muraca, B., Norton, B., Ott, K, Pascual, U., Satterfield, T., Tadaki, M., Taggart, J., and Turner, N. 2016. Opinion: Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 1462–1465. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R. K., S. Klain, U. Woodside, N. Hannahs, T. Satterfield, K. M. A. Chan, J. Levine, N. M. Ardoin, and G. C. Daily. 2015. A Protocol for Eliciting Nonmaterial Values Using a Cultural Ecosystem Services Frame. Conservation Biology. [Open Access PDF]
Raymond, C., Anderson, C., Athayde, S. Vatn, A., Amin, A., Arias Arévalo, P., Christie, M., Cantú-Fernández, M., Gould, R.K., Himes, A., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Muraca, B., Murali, R., O’Connor, S., Pascual, U., Sachdeva, S., Samakov, A., Zent, E. An inclusive values typology for navigating transformations toward a just and sustainable future. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. [Public full text]
Gould, R.K., Moreno Soares, T. , Arias-Arévalo, P., Cantú-Fernandez, M., Baker, D., Eyster, H., Kwon, R., Prox, L., Rode, J., Suarez, A., Vatn., A., Zúñiga-Barragán, J. The role of value(s) in theories of human behavior. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Gonzalez, M.N. Research Note: Using science fiction and design thinking in workshops to share research results with low-income, under-represented community members. Science Communication.
Pascual, U., .... [et. al.] .. Gould, R.K., Nature 620, 813–823. [Open Access PDF] [Paper that summarizes the IPBES Values Assessment]
Pratson, D.F., Adams, N., Gould, R.K., 2023. Relational values of nature in empirical research: A systematic review. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Merrylees, E., Hackenburg, D., Marquina, T., 2023. “My place in the grand scheme of things”: perspective from nature and sustainability science. Sustainability Science. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Martinez, D.E., Hoelting, K.R., 2023. Exploring Indigenous relationality to inform the relational turn in sustainability science. Ecosystems and People 19. [Open Access PDF]
Riechers, M., Betz, L., Gould, R.K., Lam, D.P.M, Lazzari, N., Loch, T., Martín-Lopéz, B., Sala, J.E. 2022. Reviewing relational values for future research: insights from the coast. Ecology & Society. [Open Access PDF]
Manley, K., Hackenburg, D., Marquina, T., Gould, R.K. Gratitude for nature: Abundant appreciation and rare reciprocity in free-response reflections. Ecopsychology. [Post-print/Journal PDF]
Hagan, E., Gould, R.K. 2022. Associations between relational values and empathy. Ecology & Society. [Open Access PDF]
Gallegos-Riofrio, C.A., Zent, E., Gould, R.K. 2022. The importance of Latin American scholarship-and-practice for the relational turn in sustainability science: A reply to West et al. Ecosystems and People. [Response to West et al. 2021, Ecosystems and People] [Open Access PDF]
Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K., Biggar, M., Wojcik, D. 2022. Community Listening Sessions: an approach for facilitating collective reflection on environmental learning and behavior in everyday life. Ecosystems and People. 18:1, 469-477. [Open Access PDF]
Gallegos-Riofrio, C.A., Arab, H., Carrasco-Torrontegui, A., Gould, R.K. 2022. Chronic deficiency of diversity and pluralism in research on nature’s mental health effects: A planetary health problem. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4, 100148. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Murdoch, D., 2022, Gould, R.K. ‘Hey, tree. You are my friend’: Assessing multiple values of nature through letters to trees. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Emery, M., Hurley, P., Gould, R.K. 2022. The “quiet hunt”: The significance of mushroom foraging among Russian-speaking immigrants in New York City. Ecosystems and People. [Open Access PDF]
Hoelle, J., Gould, R.K., Tauro, A. 2022. Expanding relational values research to reflect the diversity of human-nature relationships. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Marquina, T., Fisher, B., Hackenburg, D., Gould, R.K. 2022. Lessons from an experiment with values-based messaging to support watershed conservation. Conservation Biology. [Journal website]
Gould, R.K., Schultz, P.W. 2021. Challenges to understanding psychological dimensions of human-nature connections – and how to address them. Ecology and Society. [Open Access PDF]
Wojcik, D, Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K. 2021. Organizations and opportunities for environmental learning: A network analysis. Environmental Education Research. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K. 2021. How creativity can help research on the multiple values of nature become more innovative and inclusive. People and Nature. [Open Access PDF]
Morse, J.W. , Gladkikh, T.M. , Hackenburg, D.M. , Gould, R.K., 2020. COVID-19 and human-nature relationships: Vermonters’ activities in nature and associated nonmaterial values during the pandemic. PLOS ONE 15: e0243697. [Open Access PDF] [Policy Brief]
Gould, R.K., Bremer, L., Pascua, P., Meza Prado, K. 2020. Frontiers in cultural ecosystem services: Toward greater equity and justice in ecosystem services research and practice. Bioscience. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Vivanco, L., Adams, A. 2020. Looking into the dragons of cultural ecosystem services. Ecosystems and People. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Morse, C.E., Brooks, J., Adams, A. 2020. ‘So Much for Access:’ Difference, Benefits, and Barriers at
Hawaii’s Shorelines. Geographical Review. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Chan K.M.A., Boyd D.R., Gould R.K., Jetzkowitz J, Liu J, Muraca B, Naidoo R, Olmsted P, Satterfield T, Selomane O, Singh G.G., Sumaila R, Ngo H.T., Boedhihartono AK, Agard J, de Aguiar APD, Armenteras D, Balint L, Barrington-Leigh C, Cheung W.W.L., Díaz S, Driscoll J, Esler K, Eyster H, Gregr E.J., Hashimoto S, Hernández Pedraza G.C., Hickler T, Kok M, Lazarova T, Mohamed AAA, Murray-Hudson M, O’Farrell P, Palomo I, Saysel A.K., Seppelt R, Settele J, Strassburg B, Xue D, Brondízio E.S.. 2020. Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability. People and Nature 2: 693–717. [Open Access PDF]
Gould R.K., Ricketts T.H., Howarth R.B., Telle S., Gladkikh, Tatiana M., Posner S., Gourevitch J., Yoshida Y. 2020. How ecosystem services research can advance ecological economics principles. in Costanza R, Erickson JD, Farley J, and Kubiszewski I, eds. Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/book website]
Gould, R.K., Pai, M., Muraca, B., Chan, Kai M.A.. 2019. “He ʻike ʻana Ia i Ka Pono (It Is a Recognizing of the Right Thing): How One Indigenous Worldview Informs Relational Values and Social Values.” Sustainability Science 14 (5): 1213–32. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Morse,J.W., Adams, A.B.. 2019. Cultural Ecosystem Services and Decision-Making: How Researchers Describe the Applications of Their Work. People and Nature 0 (0): 1–19. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Krymkowski, D., Coleman, K, Gibbs-Plessl, T., Zafira, I., Doty, A. 2019. Broader Impacts in Conservation Research. Conservation Science and Practice. 0 (0): e108. [Open Access PDF]
Gladkikh, T., Gould, R.K., Coleman, K. 2019. Cultural ecosystem services and the well-being of refugee communities. Ecosystem Services. 40: 1-12. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K., Lukacs, H., Sponarski, C., Schuh, J. 2019. Scale of place and sense of place among urban dwellers. Ecosphere. 10 (9): e02871. [Open Access PDF]
Kenter, J., Raymond, C., van Riper, C., Azzopardi, E., Brear M.R., Calcagni, F., Christie, I., Christie, M., Fordham, A., Gould, R.K., Ives, C.D. Hejnowicz, A.P., Gunton, R., Horcea-Milcu, A.I., Kendal, D., Kronenberg, J., Massenberg, J., O’Conner, S., Ravenscroft, N., Rawluk, A., Raymond, I.J., Rodríquez-Morales, J., Thankappan, S. 2019. Loving the Mess: Navigating Diversity and Conflict in Social Values for Sustainability. Sustainability Science 14 (5): 1439–61. [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N.M., Thomsen, J.M., Wyman Roth, N., 2018. Exploring connections between environmental learning and behavior through four everyday-life case studies. Environmental Education Research 1–27.
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N., Krymkowski, D. 2018. The importance of culture in predicting environmental behavior in middle school students on Hawaiʻi Island. PLOS One. 13(11): e0207087. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R.K., Coleman, K., Gluck, S.B., 2018. Exploring dynamism of cultural ecosystem services through a review of environmental education research. Ambio 47, 1–15.
Gould, R.K., Phukan, I, Mendoza, M., Ardoin, N.M., Panikkar, B. 2018. Seizing opportunities to diversify the environmental movement. Conservation Letters. 11 (4): e12431. [Open Access PDF]
Chan, K., Pascual, U., Gould, R.K. 2018. Editorial: What are relational values, and what’s all the fuss about? Current Opinion in Environment and Sustainability. 35: A1-A7. [Open Access PDF]
Britto dos Santos, N., Gould, R.K. 2018. Can relational values be developed and changed? Investigating relational values in the environmental education literature. Current Opinion in Environment and Sustainability. 35: 124-131.
Gould, R.K., Lincoln, N. 2017. Expanding the suite of Cultural Ecosystem Services to include ingenuity, perspective, and life teaching. Ecosystem Services. 25: 117-127. [Pre-print PDF] [Post-print/journal PDF]
Gould, R.K., Ardoin, N.; Biggar, M.; Cravens, A. 2016. Environmental behavior’s dirty secret: The prevalence of waste-related discussions in community discussions of environmental action. Environmental Management.
Chan, K.M.A., Balvanera, P., Benessaiah, K., Chapman, M., Díaz, S., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gould, R.K., Hannahs, N., Jax, K., Klain, S., Luck, G., Martín-López, B., Muraca, B., Norton, B., Ott, K, Pascual, U., Satterfield, T., Tadaki, M., Taggart, J., and Turner, N. 2016. Opinion: Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 1462–1465. [Open Access PDF]
Gould, R. K., S. Klain, U. Woodside, N. Hannahs, T. Satterfield, K. M. A. Chan, J. Levine, N. M. Ardoin, and G. C. Daily. 2015. A Protocol for Eliciting Nonmaterial Values Using a Cultural Ecosystem Services Frame. Conservation Biology. [Open Access PDF]